In the rapidly evolving world of vaping, enthusiasts are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their experience. One such innovation that has taken the vaping community by storm is the vape mod, also known as an advanced personal vaporizer (APV). While the basic concept of vaping involves an electronic cigarette or a simple vape pen, vape mods offer a more customizable and powerful experience for seasoned vapers. In this blog post, we will explore what vape mods are, how they differ from traditional devices, and why they have become the go-to choice for those who crave a more personalized vaping experience.

Understanding Vape Mods is also necessary, a vape mod, short for modification, is a device that goes beyond the basic functionality of traditional e-cigarettes and vape pens. Unlike the latter, which are often pre-built and disposable, vape mods provide users with the ability to customize various aspects of their vaping experience. These devices come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and designs, catering to the diverse preferences of the vaping community.

To comprehend the functionality of a vape mod, it’s crucial to understand its key components, such that, Vape mods are equipped with powerful rechargeable batteries that provide the energy required to heat the e-liquid and produce vapor. These batteries come in various sizes and capacities, influencing the overall performance and longevity of the device.

The atomizer, often referred to as the tank, is where the e-liquid is stored and vaporized. Vape mods offer a variety of atomizer options, including sub-ohm tanks, rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDAs), and rebuildable tank atomizers (RTAs). These different atomizer types allow users to choose between convenience and customization.

Coils are heating elements within the atomizer that are responsible for turning the e-liquid into vapor. Advanced users often build their own coils, allowing for precise control over factors like resistance and heat.

Unlike basic e-cigarettes, vape mods come with adjustable wattage or voltage settings. This feature allows users to fine-tune their vaping experience by controlling the power delivered to the coils.

Some vape mods offer temperature control functionality, enabling users to set a specific temperature for their coils. This feature not only prevents dry hits but also allows for a more consistent and controlled vaping experience.

The appeal of vape mods lies in their customization options. Vapers can tailor their experience by adjusting settings such as wattage, voltage, and airflow to achieve the desired flavor, vapor production, and throat hit. Additionally, the ability to switch between different atomizers and experiment with various coil builds provides users with a level of personalization unmatched by traditional vaping devices.

One of the most significant advancements brought about by vape mods is the widespread adoption of sub-ohm vaping. Sub-ohm refers to coils with a resistance of less than one ohm. Lower resistance allows for increased power and, subsequently, larger vapor production. Sub-ohm vaping has become a popular choice among enthusiasts seeking a more intense and flavorful experience.

The rise of vape mods has given birth to subcultures within the vaping community, such as cloud chasing and trick competitions. Cloud chasing involves producing massive vapor clouds, often achieved through sub-ohm vaping and high wattage settings. Trick competitions, on the other hand, focus on showcasing skillful vapor manipulation, including intricate smoke rings and other visual effects. Vape mods, with their high-performance capabilities, have become essential tools for participants in these subcultures.

While vape mods offer an exciting array of features, it’s crucial for users to prioritize safety. High wattage settings and sub-ohm vaping can put additional stress on batteries and coils, leading to potential safety hazards if not handled correctly. Battery safety, proper coil building, and adherence to recommended wattage ranges are essential aspects of responsible mod usage.

The world of vape mods is continually evolving as manufacturers strive to push the boundaries of innovation. Newer models often incorporate advanced technologies such as touchscreen interfaces, Bluetooth connectivity, and even customizable LED lights. These features not only enhance the user experience but also contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the devices.

In conclusion, vape mods represent a significant leap forward in the world of vaping, offering enthusiasts a customizable and powerful experience. With features like adjustable settings, sub-ohm vaping, and a plethora of atomizer options, these devices cater to the diverse preferences of the vaping community. As the vaping landscape continues to evolve, vape mods are likely to remain at the forefront, providing users with

the tools they need to tailor their vaping experience to perfection. However, it’s crucial for vapers to prioritize safety and responsible usage to ensure a satisfying and risk-free journey into the world of advanced personal vaporizers.


Open and Closed Vape System

Vaping has become a ubiquitous and evolving phenomenon, revolutionizing the way people consume nicotine and other substances. As the market continues to expand, users are faced with a countless number of options, with open and closed vaping systems emerging as two distinctive categories.

Open vaping systems, often referred to as open pod systems or open tank systems, offer users a customizable and versatile vaping experience. The defining feature of open systems lies in their refillable nature. Instead of pre-filled cartridges, users can manually fill the tank or pod with their preferred e-liquid. This flexibility allows for a wide range of flavor options and nicotine strengths.

Customization is offered in open systems, they empower users to tailor their vaping experience to their liking. With a diverse selection of e-liquids available on the market, users can experiment with various flavors, ranging from traditional tobacco to exotic fruits and desserts. This customization extends beyond flavor, allowing users to choose their preferred nicotine levels and VG/PG ratios.

While the initial investment in an open vaping system may be slightly higher than that of a closed system, the long-term costs tend to be lower. The ability to refill the tank or pod with e-liquid often proves more economical than purchasing pre-filled cartridges, especially for frequent vapers.

Open systems contribute to a more sustainable vaping experience. The refillable nature of these systems results in fewer disposable components, reducing the overall environmental impact associated with vaping.

Open vaping systems often come with advanced features such as adjustable airflow, variable wattage, and temperature control. These features provide users with greater control over their vaping experience, allowing them to fine-tune factors like vapor production and throat hit.

While open systems offer numerous advantages, they do come with certain challenges, such as a Learning Curve,the customization and flexibility of open systems may be overwhelming for beginners. Users must learn how to properly fill the tank, choose compatible e-liquids, and adjust settings. However, many manufacturers provide user-friendly devices with intuitive interfaces to ease the learning curve.

Next comes maintenance. Open systems require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Cleaning the tank or pod, replacing coils, and monitoring other components are essential tasks that users must be willing to undertake.

Now come the closed vaping systems, also known as closed pod systems, present a more straightforward and user-friendly approach to vaping. These systems come with pre-filled pods or cartridges that users simply insert into the device. Closed systems are often favored by beginners or individuals who prefer a hassle-free vaping experience.

Something very unique about this is its Simplicity. Closed systems are incredibly easy to use, making them ideal for beginners. There is no need for manual refilling or dealing with e-liquids. Users can simply insert a pre-filled pod, and the device is ready to use.

Another thing that is absolutely loved by consumers is its portability. Closed systems are generally more compact and portable than open systems. The pre-filled pods are convenient for users on the go, eliminating the need to carry bottles of e-liquid. This portability makes closed systems popular among individuals who prioritize convenience and discretion.

With closed systems, users can expect a consistent vaping experiencewith each pod. The pre-filled pods are designed to deliver a specific flavor profile and nicotine level, ensuring uniformity in each session. This can be appealing to users who prefer a reliable and predictable experience.

While closed systems offer simplicity and convenience, they also have some limitations, such as the limited Flavor Options. The pre-filled pods in closed systems often come in a limited range of flavors. Users may find themselves constrained to the available options provided by the manufacturer, limiting their ability to explore a diverse range of e-liquids.

Something people might absolutely hate about closed systems is its Cost, the cost of using closed systems can add up over time. Pre-filled pods are typically more expensive on a per-milliliter basis compared to buying e-liquid for open systems. This can result in higher long-term expenses, especially for frequent vapers.

To conclude in the vast world of vaping, the choice between open and closed systems ultimately boils down to personal preferences and priorities. Open systems offer unparalleled customization and cost-effectiveness, catering to those who enjoy experimenting with various e-liquids and settings. On the other hand, closed systems provide simplicity and convenience, making them an attractive option for beginners and users who prioritize ease of use.

Regardless of the chosen system, it is essential for users to prioritize safety, be aware of the ingredients in e-liquids, and adhere to proper maintenance practices. As the vaping industry continues to evolve, we can expect further innovations in both open and closed systems, providing users with even more choices and opportunities to tailor their vaping experience to their liking.


Types of flavors of E-juice and what you should buy.

In the ever-expanding world of vaping, the variety of e-juice flavors available can be overwhelming for both beginners and experienced vapers alike. The vast array of options allows users to customize their vaping experience, catering to individual preferences and tastes. In this guide, we will explore the different types of e-juice flavors available and offer insights into choosing the perfect blend for your vaping journey.

Fruit Flavors: A Burst of Nature’s Best; Fruit-flavored e-juices are among the most popular choices in the vaping community. From the refreshing taste of ripe strawberries to the tangy zing of tropical citrus fruits, the options are virtually limitless. Fruit flavors provide a sweet and natural vaping experience, making them an excellent choice for those who enjoy a burst of freshness with every inhale. Whether you prefer the sweetness of mango, the tartness of berries, or the crispness of apple, there’s a fruit flavor to suit every palate.

Dessert Flavors: Indulge Your Sweet Tooth; For those with a penchant for the sweeter things in life, dessert-flavored e-juices offer a delectable alternative. From classic flavors like vanilla custard and chocolate to more adventurous options like caramel popcorn or blueberry cheesecake, these e-liquids recreate the taste of your favorite desserts without the calories. Dessert flavors are perfect for vapers who enjoy a rich and satisfying experience reminiscent of their favorite treats.

Menthol and Mint: A Cool and Refreshing Experience; Menthol and mint-flavored e-juices provide a cool and refreshing sensation with every puff. Ideal for those who enjoy a crisp finish to their vaping experience, these flavors range from straightforward menthol to complex mint blends with hints of spearmint or peppermint. Menthol enthusiasts appreciate the invigorating feeling these e-liquids provide, making them an excellent choice for a clean and palate-cleansing vape.

Tobacco Flavors: A Nod to Tradition; For those transitioning from traditional cigarettes to vaping, tobacco-flavored e-juices offer a familiar taste that can ease the switch. These e-liquids often replicate the rich and robust flavor of tobacco, providing a smooth and authentic experience. Tobacco flavors vary widely, ranging from light and mild to bold and smoky, catering to the diverse preferences of former smokers.

Beverage Flavors: Quench Your Thirst with Every Vape; Beverage-inspired e-juices take inspiration from your favorite drinks, offering a unique vaping experience that mirrors the taste of beverages like coffee, tea, or even cocktails. Coffee enthusiasts can enjoy the robust flavor of a freshly brewed cup, while tea lovers can savor the subtle notes of green tea or chamomile. Beverage flavors provide an exciting alternative for vapers looking to recreate the experience of enjoying their favorite drinks without the calories or caffeine.

Choosing the Right Flavor; With such a wide array of e-juice flavors to choose from, finding the perfect one for you may seem daunting. However, a few considerations can help narrow down your options and guide you towards the ideal flavor for your vaping preferences.

Personal Taste Preferences;Consider your taste preferences in everyday life. If you enjoy the sweetness of fruits, a fruit-flavored e-juice might be a good starting point. Likewise, if you’re a fan of desserts or have a favorite beverage, there’s likely an e-liquid that replicates those flavors.

Nicotine Level; Pay attention to the nicotine level in the e-juice, especially if you’re using vaping as a smoking cessation tool. E-juices come in various nicotine strengths, allowing you to gradually reduce your nicotine intake over time.

Experimentation; Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors. Many vapers enjoy having a selection of e-juices to suit their mood or the time of day. Sample packs or smaller bottles of e-liquid can be a cost-effective way to explore new flavors without committing to a large quantity.

To conclude, the world of e-juice flavors is diverse and continually evolving, offering vapers an exciting range of options to explore. Whether you prefer the natural sweetness of fruits, the indulgence of desserts, the coolness of menthol, the familiarity of tobacco, or the uniqueness of beverage-inspired blends, there’s a flavor profile to suit every palate. By considering your personal taste preferences, nicotine needs, and a willingness to experiment, you can embark on a flavorful vaping journey that enhances your overall experience.


What to know before you purchase a Vape- Vape N’ Vapor

The world of vaping offers a diverse array of devices, each with its unique features, designs, and functionalities. Whether you’re a novice looking to transition from traditional smoking or an experienced vaper seeking an upgrade, choosing the right vaping device requires careful consideration. To make an informed decision, it’s essential to understand several crucial factors before making your purchase.

Define Your Vaping Goals: Before delving into the multitude of vaping devices, clarify your purpose. Are you aiming to quit smoking, reduce nicotine consumption, or simply enjoy the flavors and experience of vaping? Determining your objective will help narrow down the wide selection of devices, ensuring you find one that aligns with your specific goals.

Types of Vaping Devices: Vaping devices come in various types, each offering unique characteristics. Cig-a-likes resemble traditional cigarettes and are user-friendly for beginners. Vape pens are compact and portable, ideal for those seeking a balance between convenience and performance. Pod systems provide simplicity and are often preferred for their ease of use and portability. Mods, on the other hand, offer advanced customization options, catering to experienced users who enjoy tweaking settings for a personalized experience.

User Experience and Ease of Use: Consider your comfort level with technology and customization. Beginners might prefer simpler devices with automatic settings and minimal maintenance requirements. Those with more experience or a penchant for customization may opt for devices allowing adjustments to wattage, temperature, and airflow. Understanding the user interface and maintenance needs is crucial to ensure a hassle-free vaping experience.

Battery Life and Charging: Battery life varies across devices and is a significant factor to consider. For heavy vapers, devices with longer battery life may be more convenient to avoid frequent recharging. Additionally, pay attention to the charging method – some devices come with built-in batteries, while others require external chargers.

Cost Considerations: The initial cost of a vaping device might vary significantly, but it’s essential to consider long-term expenses. Some devices may seem economical upfront but could incur higher costs due to frequent coil replacements, increased e-liquid consumption, or specific accessories necessary for maintenance. Assess the overall cost, including potential consumables and replacements, before making your decision.

Safety and Quality: Prioritize safety and quality when choosing a vaping device. Opt for reputable brands and products made from high-quality materials to minimize potential risks. Inferior or counterfeit devices might compromise safety and performance, so conducting thorough research and reading reviews is crucial to ensure reliability.

Compliance with Regulations: Be aware of vaping regulations and legalities in your region. Some areas have restrictions on certain device types, flavors, or nicotine strengths. Understanding these regulations will prevent you from unintentionally violating laws and potentially facing legal consequences.

Research and Reviews: Before finalizing your purchase, conduct comprehensive research. Read reviews, watch video tutorials, and seek advice from experienced vapers to gain insights into various devices. Online forums and community discussions can offer valuable information based on real user experiences, aiding in your decision-making process.

After-Sales Support and Warranty: Consider the availability of after-sales support, warranty, and customer service. A good warranty and responsive customer support can be invaluable, especially if you encounter any issues with your device after purchase.

To conclude, in the realm of vaping, the options can be overwhelming, but an informed decision makes all the difference. Understanding your preferences, usage patterns, and the nuances of different vaping devices is pivotal in selecting the right one for your needs. By considering these critical factors, you’ll be better equipped to choose a vaping device that aligns perfectly with your lifestyle, ensuring a fulfilling and satisfying vaping experience.

Remember, the right vaping device isn’t just a product; it’s the gateway to an enjoyable and tailored vaping journey. By investing time in research and understanding, you can embark on this journey with confidence and clarity.

At the end of the day, buying any kind of vape is solely a personal choice and depends on your individual lifestyle. The above-mentioned points are just general rules of thumb to follow before buying a vape device. Ask around, explore options on your own, and visit Vape N’ Vapor’s store (in-store and online), and you’ll be on your way to getting the finest quality vaping product of your dreams!

Hottest Vaping Trends

Hottest vaping trends

Trends change all the time, be it clothing, hair or even vapes. Over the last decade we have all seen the world of vaping regularly evolve. While we certainly do not have a crystal ball, our team has taken a look at what has been popular in vaping over the last few years to predict what might be trending the next few years and what we can expect from the vaping community in the near future.

According to google trends, the DISPOSABLE VAPES are taking the world by storm. They are an easy on the go device that can be disposed of after use, which also means it is like a no strings attached agreement and absolutely saves you the hassle. Even though the nicotine level in many disposable vapes is not as extensive and flexible, many disposable vapes have a variety. However, if you are a person who likes high nicotine levels, or a strong ‘hit’ as people say it nowadays, the disposable vapes are in your favor. Most disposable vapes, that don’t have an extensive range, usually contain high levels of nicotine.

Another one of the hot trends are the VAPE PODS also known as just ‘pods’ by the teenagers. Teenagers, in majority, are the ones who have been vaping a lot. This means the design and size of the vape is really significant. The gen-z is known for finding better substitutes and so are now ‘hooked’ on pods. The trend from a few years ago, vape mods, seemed to be too large to be kept in pockets and was not necessarily portable. Hence, vape pods were introduced, smaller and portable for whenever u leave the house. Vape pods also provide greater customization and is also a more environmentally friendly option for experienced vapers.

ICED VAPES have also grown popularity over, approximately, the last 5 years. Iced vapes or ice flavored vapes are simply vape flavors that add a slight minty Ness to an original flavor, for example, one the most popular vape flavor is the grape and blue raspberry ice. This is no unique or new flavor, in fact, is just added menthol to grape and blue raspberry to give a cool, icy minty flavor.

Among the individual vape flavors, the most popular vape juice flavor would be mint and tobacco. These two flavors have maintained a strong, upward popularity amongst people who would like to quit smoking, since these are the flavors that are most similar to what a cigarette would taste like. Except these two, another unexpected flavor has been rising, cherry. This flavor is popular among teenagers and people who are up for experimenting newer flavors.

The most popular one among the lot of teenagers are the vape pens, the smallest form of vape to exist up until now. People love these, for occasions when u can’t take a vape pod or vape mod because they are still too big, take a vape pen. Its simple and tiny and fits absolutely anywhere without taking up much space.

Nicotine salts commonly known as NIC-SALTS is nicotine in its most original form to be consumed. The difference is mainly felt as a stronger nicotine rush because nicotine absorbs in the bloodstream faster, and is for people who want to feel the high of nicotine after the vape or smoke. If you are looking for something stronger and powerful with a better hit, you should definitely try the nic-salts.

Demanded by the younger population we have the HIGHER VG E-LIQUIDS. These e-liquids, with 70% VG (vegetable glycerin) or higher are in demand this season. These e-liquids with higher VG levels have several advantages, one they create thicker smoke for people who like to perform cool tricks with vapes and also foe sub-ohm vaping which makes the smoke cooler or hotter depending on the way you prefer. This is good for consumers who have just started vaping or just want a softer and more pleasant hit sometimes. A plus side to these vapes is that they are less prone to causing allergic reactions. So for people who want to try vaping but fear allergic reactions can definitely try the VG e-liquids.

SHORT-FILL E-LIQUIDS  have been around for a while, and they’re still a mainstay in 2023—with a twist. To give a quick background, vapers love them because they solve a pressing problem. E-liquids should only be sold at 10 mL per container, but the loophole is that this only applies for e-liquids with nicotine. Short-fills are a clever way to get past this, consisting of zero nicotine e-liquids in sizes as large as 50 to 100 mL. Conveniently, these come with nicotine shots so you can mix your desired concentration.

So no matter what the trends might be Vape N’ Vapor has it all! To keep u up to date with all the newest trends. Incase you find yourself confused about what vaping device you need to follow a specific trend, you can always reach out to our customer service support and we’ll try our best to guide u right on track to make your vaping journey a fun filled and enjoyable.



The top 10 best selling vape juices in the year 2023 come to surprise many as they are highly unexpected yet the best sellers.

The best vape juice flavor according to people is the tobacco e-liquid. To describe this flavor of vape you might use adjectives like nutty, rich and sweet. As said by the population “one way of capturing the flavor in e-liquid form might be to start with a tobacco base and enhance it with hints of caramel and almond.”

The next top vape flavor would be the menthol e-liquid. Though menthol originally taste much like mint and is widely used in e- liquids, due to the taste molecules of the mint plant eliminated during the extraction procedure, menthol has no flavor. Despite the fact that menthol in itself has no flavor it is still one of the top flavors to be used in a vape because of the subtle minty flavor, also known as, “ice” in the vaping community. It is an addition to other flavors usually to make them minty and stronger for a hit, for example the flavor “grape ice” consists of grape flavoring and menthol is adding for the ice/minty aspect.

Another one of the tobacco family being in line, we have the whole leaf tobacco e-liquid. This flavor will remind of cigarettes and is absolutely everything you will ever miss about traditional harmful cigarettes. If you are looking for an alternative to cigarettes, want to quit smoking and try a better option as vaping instead, you would love finding out that this tastes exactly like cigarettes and everything more.

Continuing the tobacco range, the best vape flavor for people who are curious about what tobacco would taste like if it was sweeter? The tobacco RY4 e-liquid. This flavor is exactly what you would expect it to taste like. Simple, sweet, tobacco with all its original tobacco flavors only with a hint of vanilla and caramel.

Another one of the consumers favorite flavors that is not only amazing as a drink itself or as a popsicle but also amazing enough to be co-operated into a vape juice flavor and rank as the top 5th flavors of vape in 2023. If you have ever wondered what it is like to smoke cola, the cola e-liquid is what you should consider buying next time. The fizzy carbonated factor mixed with the original sweetness of cola proves to be a hit among consumers and is also one of the best selling flavors.

One of the most basic fruits that comes all year around and is one fruit that could be put into anything and would taste just as fresh and delicious is apple. It goes well in pies, ice-creams, popsicles, juices and now vapes. The apple e-liquid is as good as it sounds. The slightly tart and amazingly sweet flavor of an apple that captivates many and is hated by none, put into a vape makes you fall in love with vaping all over again.

Who thought there would be a time when people would be vaping coffee? This flavor is one that attracts all the coffee lovers who have to control their consumption of coffee because of how many calories it has. The coffee vape juice is the favorite of all the coffee lovers because its all you could drink in a coffee. The oddly cozy and comforting aroma of coffee without all the calories it has, I mean who wouldn’t love it.

Once again in the fruity range, on number 8, comes the strawberry vape juice. Another classic after all, this tastes exactly like candy. Sweet, fresh, and slightly tangy; overall tastes just like summer with a mouth watering note and probably the ripest strawberry anyone could have tasted. Adding on to that strawberry is a fun to play with flavor, you could mix and match flavors and make a cocktail by yourself since strawberry tastes good with almost anything.

Vanilla being such a classic in desserts has come to being a classic in vapes too. The vanilla e-liquid has a soft, light creamy vanilla flavor; reminds you of the lovely stuff of your childhood memories, like the vanilla soft serve between the wafer sandwiches we used to eat every summer. Another plus factor of this flavor is that this flavor is very versatile and can go well with literally anything. Take all the flavors mentioned above, vanilla would go extremely well with all these flavors and would add a sweet, creamy flavor to all.

Lastly we have the blueberry vape juice. Do not be deceived by the fact that this flavor is at the end of this list. The blueberry vape juice is also one of the top best selling flavors of all time and not just 2023. The vape juice faithfully recreates the juicy taste and sweetness of natural blueberries. The distinctive flavor means its just as popular as a standalone vape or could be blended into a cocktail with many summer berries like strawberries and raspberries that bring a tart note along with a little bit of mint from the menthol too.

However that’s not all, there are many more distinctive and exotic flavors available in vape juice. Many manufacturers also offer customizability so that consumers can mix and match flavors and try their own blend that has a distinctive taste.

Vape N’ Vapor has new and exciting flavors and combinations of e-liquids for you to choose from that definitely will not disappoint! Just in case you find yourself confused regarding which vape juice flavor to choose, you can always reach out to our customer support service and we will try our best to guide you as best as we can to make your vaping journey an enjoyable one.

What to Know Before Buying a Vaping Device

What to Know Before Buying a Vaping Device

Vaping has paved a way for itself in mainstream culture, and paired with the rapid growth and evolution of the industry as a whole, an amateur may find it overwhelming to buy the best vape that suits their individual needs. After all, it can be agreed upon that compared to smoking traditional cigarettes, it’s a far more satisfying and unique experience.

Among the multiple e-liquids, components, accessories, and flavors, where to possibly begin, you may ask? It can seem like a daunting task initially, but Vape N’ Vapor is here to help you out.

Even if you are a novice when it comes to vaping, you will surely know what to look for after reading these points that’ll help you up your vaping game and become a pro:

  1. Select your type:

First and foremost, you ought to make sure which nicotine base you think you will enjoy most before buying a vape. Nicotine salts in vaping devices create the vapor and give you that “throat hit” that is much sought after. There are two types of nicotine salts:

  • PG (propylene glycol): PG is associated with a stronger hit but with less visible vapor.
  • VG (vegetable glycerin, or glycerol): VG has a sweeter taste and produces a much more visible vapor.

In terms of PG/VG, you’ll have to try for yourself and decide what you like, as it all depends on your past smoking habits and overall preference.

  1. Understand the device:

Nowadays, it’s pretty much a piece of cake to operate any vape device. But before using it, one must understand what it’s made of a cartridge (for storing the e-liquid), an atomizer (to heat the e-liquid), and a battery.

  1. Check for Battery Power:

It’s no secret that box mods have bigger battery capabilities, which is why they are a favorite among the vaping community. Disposable vaping devices might be great if you are a casual vaper, but will likely not provide you with the longevity you are searching for.

  1. Price:

As we discussed in the points above, there are numerous vaping products and technologies, and so, the prices range accordingly. Prior to buying a vape, you ought to set a clear budget and stick to it, before you get familiar with all the types of vapes. It is important to make an informed choice, and you will surely stumble upon the right one for you with adequate research!

Disposables are convenient, accessible, and relatively cheaper, but in the long run, they end up costing more as you buy them more frequently. Consider the different options on the table, and do not fret! If you look in the right place, vaping with the right device will surely get a bang for your buck!

  1. E-juice flavor and strength:

Picking out an e-juice, or e-liquid flavor can be tough among the plentiful options. It is challenging yet it is probably the most popular aspect of vaping! Finding your ideal flavor profile won’t be easy, but it’ll sure be worth it in the end. Till then, you must venture out into the world of vaping till you stumble on the one for you!

To conclude, buying any type of vape device is a personal preference, and will vary from person to person. The above-mentioned points are just general guidelines to follow before investing in your vaping journey. We recommend that you ask around, explore options on your own, and visit Vape N’ Vapor’s store (in-store and online), and you’ll be on your way to getting the finest quality vaping product of your dreams!

And another thing to make note of is that the world of vaping is massive, and it’s perfectly fine to take your time, experiment, and learn your preferences, which can change over the progression of time. We hope this blog helped you in getting a step closer to deciding on what to know before you venture into the universe of vaping!

Visit our stores or our website to find out all the answers to your questions!

Vape Pens vs Vape Mods: Which is the best for you?

Vape Pens vs Mods

If you are looking into becoming a serious vaper, and you find all the technology, equipment, accessories, and terms to be overwhelming, then keep reading! The majority of vape users experience this at one point or another, especially in today’s day and age where there are endless options for vaping. Before stepping into the enormous world of vaping devices, you may want to research which device is ideal for you so that it meets your unique demands and lifestyle, and so that you can quickly make your way through all the numerous alternatives. When selecting a vaping device, some aspects to consider are expertise level, e-liquid compatibility, battery life, portability and convenience, cost-effectiveness, features, and size and style.

Vape pens and vape box mods are two of the most popular devices. Although both are great preferences, but the knowledge about their functionality is not known to everyone and choosing between the two can also be a hassle. We’ve come up with a basic guide regarding these vaping devices, and the differences between them to help you make an informed decision.

Because of their simplicity, vape pens are often tiny and compact and are suggested for beginners. Vape pens contain a tank (where the e-liquid is held) in addition to the battery and atomizer (the heating element). Most pens are less costly and have restricted battery capabilities. They feature fewer customization choices and simpler controls. Some vape pens are also disposable, which means they shouldn’t be used more than once.

That being said, here are a few reasons why someone might prefer to buy a vape pen over other kinds of vaping devices:

  1. Convenience: Vape pens are typically smaller in size, more thinly made and compact, and are super easy for on-the-go.
  2. Affordability: Vape pens are significantly cheaper than other vaping devices.
  3. Easy to use: They are easy to use and don’t require much maintenance. Operating and using a pen is generally simple as it has fewer settings.
  4. Vaping with less maintenance: An appealing facto of Vape pens is that they are supposed to be low maintenance. They can be easily cleaned, and when you’ve gotten your hit, you can discard them.

Vape mods or high-end regulated box mods, are more customizable but are much bulkier and heavier in shape and size. The level of controls and customization between vape pens and vape mods is crucial. Compared to a vape pen, high-end regulated box mods have more innovative features and settings allowing users customization and a more substantial vaping experience. Here are some reasons to go for a vape box mod over a vape pen:

  1. Customization: High-end regulated box mods allow room for personalization when it comes to settings such as temperature, and wattage, and provide you with the option to use different kinds of atomizers and tanks.
  2. Durability: Vape mods will last you much longer than vaping devices, especially when compared to Vape Pens. They also tend to have larger battery capacities.
  3. Power: Box mods will generally deliver a more powerful vapor, which is more intense and will give you a strong nicotine hit in just a few puffs.
  4. Consistency: Most vape box mods possess built-in safety features and consistent and dependable performance, so you can rest assured that you’ll get the same experience each time you vape.
  1. Variety: There are many different styles and models of high-end regulated vape mods available, so you can easily find one that fits your preferences. Not only is there variety when it comes to devices, but in settings of the device itself, which can be modified to your liking.
  2. Longevity: Box mods often last you years on end, because they are built to be durable.

With proper care, box mods have a long life span due to their durable nature, and can last for years.

For experienced vapers who want better control and more premium vaping, high-end regulated mods are a great choice. Vapers like these are willing to invest in a more advanced and expensive device, so vape mods are the ideal choice. For beginners, those looking for a simple device, those on a budget, and those vaping occasionally who do not require much of a technical or durable device, vape pens are a better choice.

Personal preferences, vaping needs, and lifestyle ultimately determine whether to use a vape pen or mod. Also, high-end regulated mods can be more expensive than other types of vaping devices, so be sure to consider your budget before purchasing. A customer service checks before buying a vaping device is another thing to consider. In case you require assistance, we at Vape N’ Vapor can assist you with any questions you may have so that you have access to the finest vaping experience. Read reviews and ask other vapers for recommendations before making a final decision.

Cloud Chasing 101 – How to Make Thick Clouds When Vaping

Get Thicker Vape Clouds for the Ultimate Cloud-chasing Experience

Everyone starts vaping for a different reason. Some start it for the cool flavors, and others for the intense hit of nicotine. Among this group, there are some who may opt for a subtle vaping experience, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s a certain niche of people who start vaping just to chase clouds ad clouds of vapor!  If compared to regular cigarettes, they offer only a few puffs of smoke that disperse in an instant, a vaping device will often provide you with a much thicker vape cloud that will linger (making sure everybody sees it!)

First things first, let’s explore what the essence of vapor is and the characteristics that define it. A common misconception that even expert vapers might perceive to be true, is that vapor is smoke. Many would be surprised to know that, in fact, e-liquid (which turns into vapor) contains mostly water, and the output results in a thick vapor. To know more about e-liquids and what they comprise, you can click here.

Now, to the exciting part! Have you ever taken a moment to ponder how experienced vapers create such fascinating and heavy clouds of vapor? If you have been vaping for a while now, you might also want to spice things up and increase the amount and intensity of your vape clouds. Luckily for you, we’ve listed some tips and tricks that can help you to achieve maximum vapor output to achieve those massive vape clouds that you long for.

  1. E-Liquid PG and VG Composition: The ingredients of the e-liquid have a bigger impact on the thickness of the vape clouds than one may initially think; it highly depends on the ratios of PG and VG. A higher ratio of VG is most likely to produce a dense cloud of vapor which will disappear much later than the vapor produced by an e-liquid with a higher ratio of PG, which will deliver a much more intense throat hit.
  2. Coil and Voltage: The best type of tank to maximize cloud vapors is going to be one that has a mesh coil as that quickly heats up the e-liquid which in turn, produces a larger amount of vapor. Mesh and sub-ohm tanks are low-resistance with a high-wattage system, which is what you want for a thick vape cloud.
  3. Vape Mods: If you are cloud chasing for some thick vapor action, devices like vape pens simply will not cut it. Vape mods have a bigger battery capacity and give you greater control of temperature and wattage, which is linked to the heating of the vapor and subsequently, to the amount of vapor produced.
  4. Airflow: If you adjust the airflow to a higher setting, more air is directed toward the coil. This air is cooled down and ultimately facilitates the condensation process and the vapor then takes the form of a large cloud. Hence, it is important that the airflow settings in your device are adjustable. Many devices now come with extra air ducts built into their atomizers to help vapers produce bigger clouds.

To conclude, these factors are not the end-all-be-all factors if you want to be among the pro-cloud-chasers. Striking the right balance to get your desired cloud output will be something that you need to figure out for yourself. Remember, every company and device will be different. Another factor to consider is the amount of nicotine that will be inhaled; as you take in bigger puffs and more vapor is produced, you are bound to get a stronger throat hit of nicotine as well.

Fortunately, today’s vaping devices are much more customizable to suit your liking, whether you are looking for that nicotine hit or a thick vape cloud, you can find the sweet spot that gives you the experience you’re looking for.

Vape N’ Vapor has the best vape devices and equipment – for cloud chasers and everybody else!

Vape Juice and Vape Flavors – The Guide You Didn’t Know You Needed

Vape Juice and Vape Flavors – The Guide You Didn’t Know You Needed

Vape Juice – What is E-Liquid and what is it made of?

You may be a frequent vaper, but have you ever given a second thought about what ingredients go into a vape juice or e-liquid? Worry not, we’ve broken down in simple terms what exactly makes up e-liquids, and spoiler alert: it’s way simpler than you think.

Any vape juice, or e-liquid, will likely contain the same contents, which may differ in ratio/intensity. The foundation of e-liquids are substances known as Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin. Additional ingredients include nicotine, flavor, and water. PG and VG are liquids that are common bases for most vape juices. It is used to create a smooth vapor and is much thicker than PG. The latter is known to provide a stronger “throat hit” but with less detectable vapor, whereas VG has a fairly

You will have to figure out the vaping sweet spot by learning which intensity suits you best!

What is the role of vape juice in a vaping device?

Vape juice is heated up to a certain temperature and turned into a vapor upon inhalation. The vapor then delivers the nicotine and flavor. The amount of nicotine in e-liquid differs; in fact, there are certain e-liquids that do not contain nicotine at all.

Vaping Flavors- Where to start?

So, now that we’ve covered how e-liquids actually work and their ingredients, let’s go to Flavortown! Buckle up, because we are about to blow your mind with the abundance of flavors that vape juices come in. In fact, fun and funky flavors are what set vapes apart from run-of-the-mill cigarettes. Vape flavors give the vape juice a unique taste, which is why they are such a hit among young people.

This is one of the distinguishing features of vapes that separate them from traditional cigarettes because they are customizable in every aspect; which is why many prefer the former!

Regarding the vaping flavors you will ultimately settle on, that will depend entirely on your personal preferences. It’s recommended to try several flavors and dip your toes before you find the perfect one for you. The intensity of e-juice is another factor to consider, which is more important than one may think. You may find yourself adjusting the strength based on past smoking habits.

Flavor trends might also vary across different regions so that also might influence your decision depending on where you live.

There are numerous vape-juice flavors readily available on the market, some are pretty standard, but others are curiously interesting. We’ve listed some of the more popular flavors and some of the unique and unusual (but still enjoyable) ones listed below as a guide for you to choose your favorites:

  • Fruity flavors such as watermelon, blueberry
  • Menthol and minty flavors for that cooling sensation
  • Tobacco flavors, which may mimic the taste of regular cigarettes
  • Dessert flavors, such as vanilla or caramel for those with a sweet tooth!
  • Beverage flavors, inspired by caffeinated drinks such as coffee and soda
  • Candy flavors such as gummy bears and sour candy
  • Spices, such as cinnamon
  • Nicotine Salts have been becoming popular among smokers because of the intense nicotine hit that they provide

That’s not all, however! There are many more distinctive and exotic flavors available in vape juices out there. Some manufacturers also offer customizable juices, where consumers can mix and match different flavors to create a special blend that has a distinctive taste.

Vape N’ Vapor has new and exciting flavors and flavor combinations of e-liquids for you to try out which will definitely not disappoint! And, just in case you find yourself confused about which vape juice and flavor to choose, you can contact our customer service support, and we, at Vape N’ Vapor, will assist you to kick start your vaping journey.